Data protection: Are your databases GDPR-compliant?
Gartner – Quick Answer: How to Effectively Prepare for NIS 2
7 actions to significantly improve your data protection and security standards with and after COVID-19
Business continuity management with GRASP in practice
Information security according to ISO 27001 with GRASP in practice
Across all industries, the challenges for companies and their IT organizations in terms of protecting know-how, data and business processes are becoming more numerous and at the same time more complex than ever. With increasing digitalization and growing networking, the risk potential has risen rapidly. Disregarding known and new IT
Risk management as part of the information security management system (ISM)
Risk management focuses on the future of your company and serves as a tool for identifying potential risks to information security. Measures are also defined to counter these risks. Even if not all eventualities can be mapped (see coronavirus pandemic), the principle of “to be prepared” applies. Risk management consists
Organizational resilience: why it is so important for corporate IT
You don’t need to be active in the underground or have a little Latin to come across the term “resilience”. Either you have something to do with psychologists from time to time, you have read our white paper “IT resilience” or you are among IT experts. The word has its
7 tips for your business continuity management
We define BCM as a management process that identifies risks, threats and vulnerabilities that could affect ongoing operations. Business continuity in the event of an incident provides a framework for building organizational resilience and the ability to respond effectively and efficiently. Keep things running with these seven tips. 1. Rely
Business Continuity Management (BCM)
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